Working in the future

Bogdan Fieraru
2 min readDec 5, 2021

There is a new construct which emerged from the Covid pandemic, the hybrid workplace. The global pandemic divided the companies into 3 large groups: the office based workers, the remote based and the ones that want a mix. A company’s culture has its own challenges integrating this division so that everyone feels included. There are a lot of articles written on how the future will be looking like but almost all agree on key focus areas:


Companies need to give employees the flexibility needed to grow and expand based on the new reality generated by Covid-19


Companies need to generate the framework which will enable employees to adapt, to be creative and to foster their own way of working to generate value.


No one needs to feel excluded so team meeting, scheduled face to face events, governance in terms of meetings rountine and participanta should encourage everyone to participate, feel empowered to share and be listened to so that the engagement within the teams is maintained high


It is not about work-live balance anymore but more on how the personal life flows within the professional life and viceversa. The 9–5 era reached its dawn and companies need to find a way to reward getting the job done and perfomance on the job rather than work 8h a day. It is now more than ever that we need to find new ways to measure and foster productivity, engagement and involvement to generate value rather than only capturing it.

The global pandemic showed us new ways of working, new capabilities surfaced and were former and the technology in place provided space for future growth in a new era.

The post pandemic showed us an evolved state which everyone should embrace so that we can build more on it rather than trying to avoid it.

Let’s go from 0 to 1 insted of the other way around and build then next steps from 1 to n for the future generations.

